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Widening the Circle Indigenous Education Conference (WtC) is designed to follow traditional values in bringing people together to provide a culturally responsive model of multicultural and Indigenous education to assist all teachers and students in developing a critical consciousness.

The conference provides participants with interpersonal interactions, presentations and multiple opportunities to meet with native and Hmong elders and educators to build relationships that will provide a solid basis through which to learn about Native and Hmong cultures, contemporary and historical issues, sovereignty, Indigenous educational practice and educational policy. 

Participants will learn to become aware of and deconstruct their biases and stereotypes to see how their practice and policies is value laden and can be problematic for many students, as well as have the opportunity to authenticate resources and learn positive strategies and ideas to infuse a more meaningful and inclusive curriculum through a critical framework to use within your class, educational policy, or social justice work. 


The conference is open to the public, anyone interested in education, critical pedagogy, public policy, Native or Hmong cultures and issues or those seeking to simply learn more.

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